My Planner – the Shopping List
Here here is our freebie download: weekly planner template to print out yourself.

The pretty pink planner folder is from England by Martha Brook . It is the "Dream Plan Do" Life Planner , I ordered it without any contents. Of course she also offers pre-filled planners in various versions. Shipping from England is €12.96.

Every product marked with an * is linked to an affiliate link, so you can go directly to it on Amazon.
I bought the binder bags * that our stickers fit perfectly into from Amazon. They come in different sizes.

Vertical transparent dividers *

Monthly stickers in transparent with gold foil, silver foil or rose gold foil or black on white paper are available in our shop.

At the beginning of the month, depending on my current preferences, I decorate my planner with date/number and weekday stickers.
I enter important and recurring appointments immediately and highlight them with decorative planner stickers .
I usually decorate the pages with the colored motif stickers from the planner kits at the end of the week, when all the appointments have been entered, and fill in the empty spaces with stickers to capture the mood or the longing that I had during the past week.