Das ADHS-Gehirn mit Stickern organisieren - My dearest Stickers Shop

Organizing the ADHD brain with stickers

Organizing with stickers as a helper and reward system for your ADHD

Organizing the ADHD brain. As someone who was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, I know all too well how you can feel insecure for decades and desperately try to organize your day. Before the days of smartphones, I lived off notebooks, Post-It notes and lots and lots of colorful gel pens and fineliners. My cell phone now only serves as additional support, I still prefer my calendar and various paper notebooks. The feel and possibilities of customizing a physical product with stickers help me best in organizing my everyday life as a mother and small business owner.

A desk in a light-filled room, cluttered with yellow Post-It notes.

Today I want to talk about a special use of stickers that can be particularly beneficial for people with ADHD. Stickers can not only serve as an organizational aid in everyday life, but also as a reward system that stimulates dopamine in the brain. Let's take a closer look at how stickers can help you be more organized and motivate yourself.

Organizational helper for ADHD:

People with ADHD often have difficulty organizing their tasks and keeping track of them. Organization will be a lifelong issue.

And it can only be managed with order in the head, which, if we're honest, only works well if everything around it is also in order. It's a vicious circle.

This is where stickers come in! You can use them to mark important appointments, tasks or reminders. By using colorful and eye-catching stickers, you can create visual anchors that help you stay focused and not forget anything important. Put them on your calendar, notebook or anywhere else you look at regularly.

Gold foiled transparent stickers with the household theme. For organizing everyday life in the calendar.

You can also attach labels at home for a while to establish a fixed place for objects. At some point you get used to everything being in order, this helps to create a routine and your head only has to sort itself out.

The best thing for the ADHD people who like to buy is:

The best thing is that stickers don't cost the earth and don't take up too much storage space. I'm one of those people who can indulge my passion for collecting, which can also be very pronounced by ADHD, with stickers.

Even as a sticker shop owner, beautiful stickers from other shops still end up in my shopping cart :).

Just try organizing your ADHD brain and making it happy with the help of stickers.

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